Monday, July 18, 2016

I testified that through the atonement, even his most burdensome sins could be washed away.

Letter to Dad....

Hey dad!  I sent a lot of cool miracles that happened this week to everyone else.  It was cool, at the new leader meeting, President came up to me and said that he actually had a different assignment in mind for me, but when he interviewed Elder Davis, my name popped into his head and he said that what I have is exactly what he needs.  It was cool.  So far training and district leading is awesome!  My whole district is sisters haha and half of them are on Palawan.  So President calls me the Relief Society President hahaha.  It's a little stressful leading and doing everything, but I love it haha.
Elder Zesiger with his new companion Elder Davis and President and Sister Ostler
I have to call all of the companionship's and get all their numbers and do baptismal interviews and report to the zone leaders and teach district meeting, its awesome!  Elder Davis has a super strong testimony of the atonement because of some past experiences in his life that he shared with me and it is an amazing strength that he has.
Dad this week has just been full of awesome stuff and it was awesome!  I love you guys.

Letter to Mom...

haha mom that sounds awesome!  I'm super glad to hear everyone is doing great, this week was super long but full of miracles and a lot of new stuff haha.  I've got a lot of cool stories as a result, the one I will tell you is about M.
She is the first person we baptized in the area awhile ago.  On Friday we went to teach her, at this point I was already with Elder Davis.  She seemed kind of out of it so we asked her what was wrong, she started crying and said that she sinned and didn't know what to do.  We taught and testified of the atonement of Jesus Christ and that no matter what her sin was, she could be healed.  There were a lot of tears and the Spirit was super strong.  When we left, she had hope and the faith to repent.  That night I prayed for her and I had the distinct impression that we needed to visit her the next day.  I didn't know why and I didn't want to cuz it was about 30 mins out of the way, but I told Elder Davis that we needed to go and the next day we went to her house.  She was surprised to see us, so we told her that we had prayed for her and felt that we needed to come.  She started crying cuz she was so happy haha.  She said that she still felt so bad and she had decided that she was not going to partake of the sacrament.  I asked her what her sin was and she told me that she was supposed to baby sit these kids and she left them to go hang out with friends and she felt super bad about it.  Just so you know for the context of the story, she is pretty close to being perfectly sinless haha.  I told her that Heavenly Father had forgiven her and that she needed to forgive herself.  We left and the next day at church, she came up and thanked us and said that she felt so good to partake of the sacrament.  It just goes to show how important it is to follow the spirit, how important the sacrament is, and how much God loves his children.  
I love you mom!

Letter to Caden...

OK here's a story, after I picked up my anak (companion?), on the taxi ride back home, I wanted to give him a good first impression, so we started a lesson with the taxi driver.  At the beginning, he just was preaching to us and didn't really want to listen, then I shared the first vision and we shared and testified about the atonement, it was crazy Caden, the guys attitude completely changed, it was cool to see the Spirit change him.  He started confessing his sins to me in the taxi, he used to do heroin, he cheated on his wife and had another family, and he even killed someone.  I testified that through the atonement, even his most burdensome sins could be washed away.  He said that he was feeling something that he had never felt before and that he had never confessed those sins to anyone but me.  I testified to him that it was the Holy Ghost confirming to him that our message was true.  He said that he wanted to be baptized, so we gave him a Book of Mormon and we will refer him to the missionaries in our area.  After we got out of the taxi, elder davis asked what he said, he was shocked when i told him what happened haha.  It was cool, I love you Caden!  Have a great week!
Elder Zesiger

Letter to Shelby....

I have a story for you.  Last Monday, as we were riding the jeep home, this girl started having an asthma attack.  It looked like she was going to die and her boyfriend didn't know what to do, so me and Elder Magno got her off the jeepne and started to work.  Elder Magno used to be a rescuer so he kinda knew what he was doing, but it looked like she was going to die.  I had the prompting to give her a blessing, but I said in my head "no blessings work according to faith and she doesn't even know who we are, so it wont work."  I felt it again "you need to give her a blessing"  I said "no there are a ton of people around, they'll just laugh at us"  I heard it again, "you need to heal her."  This time I said ok and I told Elder Magno.  He said ok andIi told the boyfriend. "we are missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, we hold the authority to heal her, can we give her a blessing?" he said ok.  So we blessed her as she started to like go into convulsions.  While we were blessing her, I could hear people laughing all around us, but we just continued.  After we closed the blessing, she was completely fine, like nothing had happened, and a member nurse arrived, we told her about missionaries and ran home before 9:30 :)

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