Thanks dad, this email is awesome! Ya I tried to write some goals, but I can't think of very many. I feel like before my mission it was easier, but now I feel like I have a lot more possibilities for my life and a lot to do. I know that when I get home I am going to learn how to play the piano in a month. I had so many cool experiences this week. I got to work with Elder Davis again and it was cool. I feel like Heavenly Father has just granted all of my wishes for my mission and I feel super grateful.
I love being here and all that you said is correct. I think that it is funny how even though you were in Chile and I am in the Philippines we still had a lot of the same experiences. I looked through it and I think we even got called into the same callings at the same times haha.
I love you dad.
Elder Zesiger
Letter to Mom....
A lot of miracles happened, but the coolest was probably with this family we found called the Iglesia family. We were riding our bikes up in the mountains to find a less active guy. When we knocked on his gate we found that he wasn't home so we started talking to the people on the mountain. We yelled to one nanay that we were the mormons and this little 7 year old kid named Eman Iglesia said "Hey, I know some Mormons!" We asked him where he lived and he led us down the mountain to his house. We found his mom and his 4 siblings in a bamboo hut across the road. They were super nice, but Elder Dariagan and I weren't able to teach them because we had no third lalaki (male). We told them to wait and that we would come back with one. I didn't know where we would find one because Tay Tay is not as populated as Manila, so we went behind the hut and said a prayer.
Elder Dariagan felt that we needed to go ask this member to come with us. We rode over there but he wasn't there. By this time, about 10 minutes had already past and it didn't look like we were going to get one, so we started to head back to the family to set a return appointment. We decided to knock on all their neighbor's doors to try and find someone and finally this tatay answered. We were like "yes! we got one!" Our plan was to teach him and let him feel the Spirit and then take him with us. A little into our lesson, he started fighting us about the Bible and our chances to take him with us looked slim. Then, all of the sudden Elder Fiesta and Elder Davis walked into our lesson! It was a big thing because Tay Tay's area is bigger than the entire mission on the mainland, but apperantly they had felt a prompting to turn down a certain road and then they saw our shoes!
We quickly ended the lesson with tatay and went over the the Iglesia family. By this time, the dad had come home too so their family was complete. We had a family home evening with them and then taught them about Joseph Smith. The oldest girl was deaf and dumb and since the other elders were handling the family, I decided to try and teach her the restoration with sign language and drawings. I circled "Ama sa Langit" and "Jesucristo" and "Joseph Smith" and then pointed to their pictures in the pamphlet. She got super happy and then did some sign language that looked like she was saying that she was seeing a vision and then pointed to herself. She then did the sign for Jesus by pointing to the the center of her hands. I don't know if I miss understood her or if she actually saw a vision, but it was awesome. When we had to leave I felt like crying, the deaf girl and I had become like best friends, but I think Elder Davis and Elder Dariagan will go back to them in a couple of days.
It was awesome to see how Heavenly Father guided us to them. It was sad at the end to say goodbye to Elder Davis. I love you mom.
Letter to Shelby...
Elder Zesiger thought his brother was himself. He must've not had his glasses on haha! |
Hello my friend, sorry I am late, President wanted to talk for a bit. Good job destroying the juniors haha.
I had the weirdest moment earlier. Mom sent me a picture of Caden and Abby at homecoming and I thought it was me.
I was like, I don't remember having that tie or ever going on a date with this girl, how did mom get this picture? hahahaha it was awesome!
I'm doing good, loving life and trying to savor every day. You'll understand when you go on a mission but it is the best thing ever.
The people that you meet and the love they have for you just makes ever day the best..
I love you shelb
Elder Zesiger
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