Letter to Dad.....
I'm getting pretty good at saving money now. Every month until this one I've been broke for the last 2 weeks, but this month I still have money haha.
Thanks for that story about the temple. I know that Heavenly Father knows better than me, he shows me that all the time haha, but I still forget it a lot.
This week I had two really awesome experiences. The first happened on the 17th. We planned and went out to work and we determined to work extra hard and teach a lot of lessons to show our faith to Heavenly Father. So, he taught me. Every single one of our appointments fell through, time after time, for 8 hours straight. Even our member dinner fell through! We ended up just oyming (OYM + open your mouth) and getting rejected a lot. We got 2 oym lessons, but neither of them had the spirit. We even taught this old Jehovah's Witness missionary and he destroyed us with Bible verses. By 8 o clock I had a head ache and we were both tired. So Elder Mangaoang said, Lets just go rest at Jared's house (he is a member that always works with us) I felt terrible so I just said ok. We were there for about thirty minutes when I started to go insane. My mind was beating itself up and I felt like I was disappointing Heavenly Father and you so I said: Let's just go oym like crazy for the last 30 mins to show our faith. So we did. 25 more minutes passed with just a lot of rejections, then finally, I saw a guy playing Clash of Clans on his phone, so I stopped and talked to him. He said that we could teach him and we started at 8:55 haha. Apparently, he had found a pamphlet that we had left at his friends house in January and wondered what it was about. Our lesson was awesome and the Spirit was super strong! It's crazy how Heavenly Father teaches me. I went to sleep that night super, super happy haha, even though the whole day, up to the last five minutes I would consider a failure.
My second one happened on Sunday. We met this guy. The best way I can describe him is that he looks like he wants to be a rockstar, but he's too old! Before yesterday I did not like teaching him at all, cuz he just talks all the time and never listens, but this time was different. We taught him the law of chastity and he said that he had problems with it in the past and feels terrible, so we shared with him Alma 36. As he read it he began to cry. We testified and ended the lesson. After the prayer, he told us that he has met with countless missionaries, from countless religions and none of them had made him feel anything. He told us how grateful he is for our help and that he will remember us forever. It was amazing. I can't believe how lucky I am to be able to witness these lives change and become happier. From what I've seen from my short time, which is 5 months today, most of the time it sucks and its super hard, but then things like this happen, and it overshadows the bad. I love my mission.
By the way, nine investigators came to church yesterday!
Letter to mom....
One time this kid asked me if he was baptized he would get rich like me, cuz everyone assumes that I'm rich cuz I'm American. Haha I said I don't know. Dad was right too about the girls, I still get a couple marriage proposals a day haha.
I love you guys, this week was really fun, it was hard, but fast and slow and awesome. Time and emotions are pretty weird on a mission haha.
We taught Sister Corpus a couple days ago and she was saying that every family has problems. I thought about that for a minute and I realized that ours really doesn't. Its weird that I had to come to the other side of the world to figure that out.
I love you guys more than anything, I'll work hard this week!